A Unilateral Declaration of Independence?

The Case for Scotland Making a Unilateral Declaration of Independence in May 2015? This blog by Patrick S Hogg (first published on Bella Caledonia, 2015) was hugely relevant in 2015 and remains so today. The predicted SNP landslide occurred, but just before election day the new FM declared that the 2015 General Election was notContinue reading “A Unilateral Declaration of Independence?”

Freeports and the Internal Colonial Model

Why does Scotland have no advanced seaports?Why do all of our exports and imports go through English ports? Listen to Prof Alf Baird on the Internal Colonial Model. “So Freeports are not new. It’s a Tory reaction to economic collapse, if you like, economic. Just zero growth, the economy is doing. And also the enormousContinue reading “Freeports and the Internal Colonial Model”