Liberation Scotland Announcement

“True Scottish self determination, and it is the soul and purpose of Liberation Scotland.


“Other nations have trodden the path to decolonization. Not one has bowed to the kidnapper and asked for permission. We know how hard this road will be, but we also know what’s possible.

“We know now that we can gain our independence as a state, by first gaining independence from a colonizing power through our authentic indigenous, rights and liberties that we’ve allowed to be erased from conscious memory, but which can deliver Scotland from its chains.

“Because with the restoration of these rights comes the restoration of our power and our ability to tell any government that we choose to declare the union a fraud, the treaty a fiction, and the voluntary partnership, a lie to cover colonization.

“So that instead of waiting to reclaim real sovereignty of the people after independence, we gain our independence by first reclaiming our sovereign Scottish rights.

“The next step on this road is establishing the committee of the Scottish Liberation movement. This committee will be elected from the membership of Liberation and will operate under a ratified constitution, and it will register Scotland’s liberation movement with the United Nations.”

Watch the short ‘Liberation Scotland Election’ video below.

Published by Indyscotnews

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