Who Framed Ozzie Rabbit?

Chronicle. Kristeligt Dagblad. Tuesday, November 30, 1993. On June 24, 1963, a young American applied for a new passport. As a profession, he wrote ‘photographer’. He planned a trip to Europe, where he would visit several countries. The departure was to take place during November or December of the same year. He would be leavingContinue reading “Who Framed Ozzie Rabbit?”

Hvem Snørrede Ozzie Rabbit?

Kronik. Kristeligt Dagblad. Tirsdag d. 30 November, 1993 af Peter Young. Tredive år efter udgivelsen, her er mit stykke i Kristeligt Dagblad om Lee Harvey Oswald. Mange flere dokumenter er blevet frigivet siden denne artikel blev offentliggjort, hvoraf en del har bekræftet Oswalds forhold til sikkerhedsstaten. Den 24 juni 1963 søgte en ung amerikaner omContinue reading “Hvem Snørrede Ozzie Rabbit?”

Letter from Denmark: First Voice

My wife is keeping an eagle eye on the news from Grindavik. “I visited with my parents when I was young,” she says as she watches the live stream of the smouldering landscape. As you may have heard,a volcanic eruption is expected. Although she only spent her first 12 years on Iceland, it is still her nation – the oldContinue reading “Letter from Denmark: First Voice”

England’s Vassal State Part 2

From England’s Vassal State by Sandy McIntosh, author of “100 Home Rule Questions Answered”. First Published, April 1964. FOR ENGLAND’S DEAR SAKE In 1945 Labour found themselves entrusted with the government of the U.K. They had access to all the economic statistics and time for a careful study of the National “kitty” It was anContinue reading “England’s Vassal State Part 2”

Occupation, Betrayal and Heroes

This building (above) is a Danish højskole, but in the early 1940s it was something entirely different. Back then it housed Nazi occupation forces.  I’m sitting in the large courtyard of the adjoining farm buildings, Krogerup Gaard. These now house ‘Aarstiderne’ (‘Seasons’), a business that started in the 1990s, selling boxes of organically-grown vegetables. WeContinue reading “Occupation, Betrayal and Heroes”