Colette Walker: Abstentionist Candidate

The Independence for Scotland Party has embraced the policy of abstention. It was abstention – the promise not to take their seats at Westminster – that won Sinn Fein a massive majority in the 1918 General Election. The traditional Home Rule party, whose MPs were riding the Westminster gravy train, was swept inside and neverContinue reading “Colette Walker: Abstentionist Candidate”

Response from Professor Alf Baird

Response to question on #YoursForScotland from Professor Alf Baird, author of Doun-Hauden Question: “Why do so many colonies sweep to victory with huge votes for Independence and yet we struggle to get to 50%.” In my research into this question for the book ‘Doun-Hauden’ there appear to be two key factors which help explain theContinue reading “Response from Professor Alf Baird”

Letter from Denmark: Weaving the Light

Copenhagen has its East End. At least, it seems like that to me. After several years in Valby, it was about as close to Dennistoun, Parkhead and Shettleston as I would get. Of course, being Denmark, the comparison doesn’t really work. This small independent country is not like Scotland at all. Its political and economicContinue reading “Letter from Denmark: Weaving the Light”

The Occupation: A Hidden and Forgotten History

The Edinburgh hub has produced another Stuart McHardy bite-sized history lesson with Stuart McHardy. Reference is made to Bishop Robert Forbes. All three volumes of ‘The Lyon in Mourning’ by Bishop Forbes are available at – links below. The Lyon in Mourning, Vol. I. A collection of speeches, letters, journals etc. relative toContinue reading “The Occupation: A Hidden and Forgotten History”