Letter from Denmark: Exile

“The police were here today,” my London landlady said. “They wanted to see you and Liam.” “The police?” “It’s okay. When we told them you were Scottish they said they didn’t need to speak to you.” It was early in the most violent year of ‘The Troubles’ – 1972. I’d just turned 16 and wasContinue reading “Letter from Denmark: Exile”

England’s Vassal State Part 1

From England’s Vassal State by Sandy McIntosh, author of “100 Home Rule Questions Answered”. First Published, April 1964. Foreword Speaking to a Glasgow audience in November, 1963, Mr Noble, Secretary of State for Scotland, said, “I sometimes feel that we at home are too near to see the picture of our country in true perspective.Continue reading “England’s Vassal State Part 1”

Letter from Denmark: Constitutioune

The Fifth of June is a bank holiday in Denmark. It’s also one of those many ‘flag days’ when the buses have two small ‘Dannebrog’ on them. If you have a flagpole in your garden, and a remarkable number of Danes do, you’re expected to fly the national flag. It’s all in aid of Grundlovsdag – constitution day.  For most countries aContinue reading “Letter from Denmark: Constitutioune”