Letter from Denmark: Torchlight Procession

There’s a sea of flame gathering in the twilight. It started with only one torch, but each newly lit passes the flame to two or three others. Soon we are legion. Our gathering point is the old station in our small town. A procession is to be led by the band of the ‘Hjemmeværnet’ —Continue reading “Letter from Denmark: Torchlight Procession”

Letter from Denmark: Cannonballs, Kingdoms and Unions

‘Raadmand Davids Hus’ is one of the oldest and best conserved houses in Helsingør. It was built by David Mellvin, a second-generation Scottish exile in 1694. He was a high-standing member of the city administration. Today his house is a cosy lunch cafe — and I’m here with my own second generation Scottish exile. It’sContinue reading “Letter from Denmark: Cannonballs, Kingdoms and Unions”

Letter from Denmark: The Dubliner

“Hey, it’s Gus here, you called?” The voice is unmistakably Scottish. “Aye, we’re showing the game by the bar,” he tells me. I hadn’t actually left a message, but Gus returned my call within five minutes. After weeks of SNP leadership drama and various work deadlines, I needed tae get oot the hoose, as it were. LivingContinue reading “Letter from Denmark: The Dubliner”