Among the Nations of the World

The beautiful sight of the Saltire hanging outside Munich’s ‘Rathaus’ or City Hall

You’re probably familiar with the story. A young man is forced into exile and slavery by his own siblings.

Many years later, those same siblings turn up looking for supplies of food due to famine back home. They no longer recognise the brother they sold into slavery, he is in every aspect a citizen of this foreign land. But he’s not just any citizen – he ranks second only to the national leader himself.

As a Scottish exile, this biblical tale speaks to my celtic heart. It’s not a religious message as such, it’s about belonging, identity and who we are.

You see, in the story, our exile uses an interpreter to hide his true identity but he has not forgotten his mither tongue. Hearing his own language spoken by his ain folk, he is moved to tears.

The 20th century witnessed a catastrophic de-population of Scotland, on a massive scale. Our exiles were spread to the four winds

There’s something about our own language and hearing that familiar voice in a foreign land. It is the first voice we hear in the womb. It is fundamental to who we are.

Recently, I’ve been recording the 3-minute presentations by the candidates for the Liberation Committee. As I recorded, I found myself listening to mostly native Scots. These candidates are not politicians preaching a party message; not people looking for a career, or financial reward – but activists inspired to step up to a national challenge in the way Scots have done since the days of Wallace and Bruce. We Scots are, whether we recognise it or not, in an existential struggle for the survival of our nation.

Living abroad, I don’t hear my native language very often. My days are spent in a multi-lingual stooshie. So there was something poignant about these presentations. For two days I recorded authentic Scottish voices. Every one had a story to tell, far longer than the edited 3-minute final version.

To be fair, not all of the candidates in the Liberation election felt comfortable doing the presentation, some opted out entirely.

The experience took me by surprise, though. Listening tae ma ain folk, each one speaking in their regional form of Scots, was really quite moving for this exile. Apart from them speaking in an unmistakable Scottish idiom, their earnestness and commitment to our historic cause shone through.

The task of educating our population about our historic annexation by England and the realities of Scottish sovereignty has been shamefully neglected by three majorities of nationalist MPs, not to mention MSPs. Does anyone know what Sturgeon does every day to merit her massive salary? Imagine having a fabulously paid job where turning up seems to be optional?

“A map illustrating more than 400 British Army camps set up across Scotland following the Battle of Culloden. Soldiers were also charged with enforcing laws designed to dismantle the Highland way of life, according to the papers.” The Scotsman

Compounding the boorach, the current SNP Westminster leader holds the deeply erroneous view that Scotland is bound by English parliamentary sovereignty. Honestly, if a dog needs a licence, shouldn’t Scottish politicians at least be required to know the basics about the Claim of Right, the sovereignty of the people, and our territorial integrity?

But the dire state of Scottish national politics notwithstanding, I believe independence will happen in spite of the politicians. That said, SNP metamorphosing into a cross-breed of Irish Parliamentary Party Redmondite and Labour devo-unionist, may be a blessing in disguise.

First of all, we can all stop pretending that the SNP is the vehicle to independence. Their claims that self-determination cannot be achieved without them is now clearly self-serving claptrap.

Secondly, they’ve shown us once and for all the futility of the ‘Westminster route’. The Irish figured this out 100 years ago. Why it’s taking us so long is a mystery. Any nationalist seeking elected office merely to march off to London, swear fealty to the English monarch and his neo-feudal parliament, is not worth voting for.

Withdrawal of representation from the colonial parliament is long overdue, 10 decades overdue.

When we do finally realise our liberation, it is essential that the accursed Westminster-style political system is abandoned from day one. A return to the principles of our historic constitution will help us re-acquaint ourselves with who we really are as Scots. Translating the sovereignty of the people into a modern form of direct democracy could turn Scotland into an example for the post-colonial world.

So, we should perhaps be grateful to the SNP – they’ve shown us that the political route is dead.

Of course, there will always be ‘Vichy Scots’ willing to deny their birthright for a five-year stint in London. Just look at the state of the current Labour candidates! They parrot ‘change’ at least once a minute. It’s a 2014 deja vu. Back then, huge constitutional change was promised in return for a No vote. We really thought there would be an upheaval in our nation’s status within the UK. Then as now, the English Labour Party is playing a deceitful game. Its Vichy Scots are a public embarrassment.

English Labour’s lapdogs, Sarwar an Murray, with their colonial guest from south of the border. They want Scottish votes for English rule

Ian Murray tried to big-up his political sincerity by ‘delivering leaflets’ as several nationalist politicians went to Germany. The responses on social media put him in his place. Anyway, Murray doesn’t believe Scotland is a real nation, so it’s no surprise he stayed home.

Starmer’s little Scottish helpers will support any policy, foreign or domestic, that he orders them to, no matter how egregious. The goldfish-memory voters among us are about to find out, once again, that Scottish Labour does not exist. It is a figment of the imagination, useful only in securing a ticket on the Westminster gravy train, ‘Quisling Class’.

I hope you’ll all watch and/or read the presentations by the Liberation Committee candidates. We now have the chance to take back control of our historic cause from careerists, deviants, and con-artists.

The route to independence does not go through Westminster, it lives in the heart of every true Scot. The time has come for we, as a people, to take a leaf out of the book of the magnificent Tartan Army, by taking our cause into the international arena. It is time to restore Scotland to its rightful place among the nations of the world

No Union. Prosperity to Scotland.

Published by Indyscotnews

Editor & publisher. Admin of @indyscotnews

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